Showing 4 Result(s)

Multiobjective Deep Reinforcement Learning for ATM Cash Planning: Why?

The current framework of reinforcement learning is mainly based on a single objective performance optimization, that is maximizing the expected returns based on scalar rewards that come either from univariate environment response or from a weighted aggregation of a multivariate response. If the problem’s environment is complex, with huge states and actions spaces where the …


Recurrent Neural Network Algorithms Overview

Introduction Frequently hearing about RNNs while having no clue what they are? This article is made for you to understand Recurrent Neural Networks and to come across their different algorithms. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), first proposed within the 1980s, brought adjustments to the original structure of neural networks and enabled them to process sequences of …


AI to the rescue: Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Introduction Forecasting is the approach of determining what the future holds. It is of tremendous value for enterprises to build informed business decisions.  Most forecasting problems involve the use of time series. A time series is a time-oriented or chronological sequence of observations on one or multiple variables of interest. The variable could be anything measurable …